From the course: iOS Lean Controllers: 1 Setup, Persistent Data, and Implementation

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Fetching and displaying records in UITableView

Fetching and displaying records in UITableView

- [Instructor] Hi and welcome back. In the last lecture, we learned how we can add new shopping lists to our SQLite database using Core Data. And let's go ahead and first run the application so you'll have a little bit more idea of the scope that we have already implemented. So here is our shopping list, we can enter anything we want. So let's just say Costco, Enter, and if I go into my terminal now, and I select all of them, you can say Cisco or Costco, whatever. But you can see that it's adding the information into the database. But if you look at the UI of it, it doesn't really display any information currently, and that is what we're gonna do right now. We are going to work on displaying all the shopping lists on the screen. So let's go ahead and create a matter, or column matter called populateShoppingLists. And of course this mattered function does not really exist, so we're gonna create it. We're gonna call it the private function, because this function does not need to be…
