From the course: Adding Stripe Payments to Your Ruby on Rails Application

What we'll be covering

- [Instructor] Welcome to this course, we're going to be adding Stripe into your Ruby on Rails app to add subscriptions to charge your customers every month or every year, depending on how you set up your plans. So Stripe offers a bunch of different options. They do one-time payments, subscriptions, you can set up your own marketplace or your own online business, a legal entity and all of that. They can even help you sell stuff inside of other apps, like Twitter, and they will help you prevent fraudulent payments coming across your system. So we're looking at the subscriptions API in this course. This has all kinds of functionality that you will need in order to do pricing for your app on a monthly or yearly basis, and they'll allow you to do upgrades and downgrades, and calculate those proration charges for you. So it's super nice to have all of this stuff already built. What we're going to be using is their Stripe JavaScript. This is going to take the credit card number in your browser and then send it over to Stripe, and return a token, and we will receive that token in our Rails app. That will allow us to be fully PCI compliant without doing any of the PCI implementation ourselves, except for SSL. So our application will be fully secure, and the credit card numbers will be encrypted, and they will only ever be seen by Stripe, meaning that your Rails application does not have to implement all of the PCI compliance rules, which is super nice. The other thing we'll be using is the Stripe Ruby gem four hour implementation. This is going to be what happens server-side in Rails. This will give us the ability to create customers, to look them up, to create and cancel subscriptions, to edit the credit card number on file. All of those things will happen server-side, using the Ruby gem. Now, if you want to read into how Stripe works, you can check out both the payments and subscription section in their docs. The reason why you want to check out payments is because this is the underlying stuff that subscriptions handle. They're just the layer on top of payments to allow you to schedule payments every month or every year. So this is going to be the Stripe.js documentation that will talk a lot about how this works, but don't worry about reading this if you don't want to, we're going to cover all of that in the course.
