From the course: Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

Virtual instructor-led training

- [Instructor] Virtual instructor-led training is often referred to as a webinar. The anchor of this type of training is an online meeting held at a specific time and on a regular cadence like you meet with your class every Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. Because people gather at a specific time, we refer to this type of training as synchronous. Let's look at four situations in which virtual instructor-led training is especially appropriate. The first is pretty obvious. Emergency situations where a class or some type of in-person learning event which was supposed to happen, can't. Like during the COVID-19 outbreak or a natural disaster. The second situation you might consider virtual training is when you're teaching a hands-on skill and learners would greatly benefit from immediate feedback. Virtual training is also good when the subject matter itself is complicated, technical, and full of exceptions. For instance, if you were teaching anti discrimination laws to human resources personnel, you'd likely go virtual. With these types of topics, learners are likely to have a lot of questions. Questions they'll need you to answer before they can move on. The fourth situation that's ideal for virtual training is when it's important for learners to connect and collaborate. Maybe they're part of a team working on a project. Maybe they form a new hire cohort. Virtual instructor-led training is great for connecting. Learners can chat with each other. You can place them in small groups so they can work together and learn from each other. Would your learners really benefit from your immediate feedback? Are they bound to have questions? Is it critical that they connect and collaborate? If so, consider virtual instructor-led training.
