From the course: Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

Gain support for your digital blend

- [Instructor] Most digital learning programs are a blend. There's often some elearning, an instructor-led component, some performance support, and maybe even a little bit of social learning. Because of that, there's a lot of people involved. There's the learners of course. There's the supervisors who may play an active part in the training. Say assessing a learner's on the job skill as well as supporting the training back on the job. There are managers and directors who champion the training throughout the organization and step in if there's a problem. All of these people need to understand what the training program consists of and what their role is in making it a success. Essentially, you need their support. How do you go about getting that? I'm really glad you asked. As you are designing your blended learning, meet with the people that the program will impact. Tell them about your plan. Explain why it meets the needs of the business. Ask for their input. If you meet with them early on they'll feel involved and will be more likely to give you the support you need. Once you nail down the specifics of the training, meet with the groups involved and explain what their role is. What they need to do to make the training a success. Do you need supervisors to make sure learners have completed their elearning before they take the virtual training? Do you need a manager's help in announcing the training as it's rolled out? If so, make sure they know. Last, give everyone involved development updates, especially as you're close to rolling out the training. As you probably can tell, digital learning will call upon your project management skills more so than other types of training. But for me this work has a team vibe to it like I'm bringing together different groups in the company for the sole purpose of making great training. Many digital learning programs fail because the person in charge didn't realize that this type of learning is a team effort. How can you avoid that and make yours a success? Early in the process meet with all groups involved and ask for their feedback. Tell them what their role is. And keep them apprised of where you are in the development cycle.
