From the course: Toon Boom Storyboard Pro Essential Training

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Choosing, editing, and saving colors

Choosing, editing, and saving colors

- Most production storyboards are black and white. Sometimes they've got gray tones. But you will need to use color at times. So to find the colour palette in Storyboard Pro, click on the Tool Properties tab over on the right-hand side in our panel view area and you'll see down below the whole color palette selection. If you don't see it, click on your Windows drop-down menu and select Colour. You select a colour that you want to work with by simply clicking on it inside under your swatches. However, as you'll notice, there are not a whole lot of sample colors. You've got all your gray tones but there's only three colours in there. The default is that you are going to have your HSV color selections and you can click anywhere in here and this box right under the word Colour shows the current colour you're going to be working with. You can add colours very simply by just grabbing, let's say I want to do-- that looks like a nice purple, all I simply have to do is click on the + sign next…
