Del curso: Apache Spark Deep Learning Essential Training

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What is transfer learning?

What is transfer learning? - Tutorial de Spark DataFrames

Del curso: Apache Spark Deep Learning Essential Training

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What is transfer learning?

- [Instructor] One of the best ways to get started with deep learning, is to use transfer learning. Transfer learning is reusing a trained neural network. This trained neural network would have been trained on a data set that is similar to the one you're working on. Many image classification models are trained on ImageNet, this has 1000 classes of objects and animals. Now if you're tryna tell the difference between different types of flowers, then transfer learning using a model that was trained on ImageNet would be a very good start. This is because the edges, colors and textures of objects that would have been activated in the first few layers of the model, will also be relevant with the data set with different kinds of flowers. When you're tying to distinguish between flowers, this will only take place at later layers of your deep learning model. The first thing we do in transfer learning is to remove the top of our pre-train network. We then replace this with our own custom…
