From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Arturia Modular V

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Adding vibrato

Adding vibrato

(synthesizer playing) - [Narrator] We've used our LFO to control the filter cut off, to control the pulse width of our waveforms, to control the amplitude coming out of our VCA, let's wrap up by using it to modify the pitch of our oscillators. Again, I'm going to choose another template patch. I think I'll go ahead and use that triangle patch again. (synthesizer playing) I still have my keyboard up on a higher octave. (synthesizer playing) I'm going to take the output of my LFO sine wave to start with because I want something that goes gradually up and down, and I could patch it to the FM, the frequency modulation input, on the oscillator driver. I could also drive an oscillator directly in. Sure, why not, let's go ahead and do that for something different. The driver would control all these oscillators. Patching it directly to one oscillator says only that one will get varied by the LFO, the others will keep their original pitch. So we're going to play a note. (synthesizer plays)…
