From the course: Career Clinic: Developer Insights

Work/life balance

(upbeat music) - Finding a work life balance is a conversation, some of it depends on the organization that you're working with, or group, or the work that you just take on for yourself, some of it is sending boundaries, like having an explicit differentiation between your workplace or having time for yourself. It's not a case of procrastination, it's a case of priorities. I now have a young family, and they are incredibly important to me, and I want to make sure that I am there in their lives, and so I make a extreme point of leaving work at work. - Well you know how's it with coders. Given a problem, we sit in front of a computer, try to solve it, and we always forget that we have a life, but that's usually not the case. We have to remember that we are here for a reason and we have to give ample amount of time for our dear ones, our family, and our hobbies. You can always learn something from your hobby and put it back to work, and you can always learn something from work, and put it back to your hobby. - So back then, when I started my professional career, I was horrible at work life balance. I just brought work home, and worked until really late hours, and I saw that this is not going to lead anywhere, but still I kept doing it. It's a very strange thing that I think a lot of other engineers, writers, artists find, is that if you take a deep breath and get away from whatever the problem is you're trying to solve, go take a walk, go away for a weekend, just go walk the dog, play with the kids, the problem that you had suddenly solves itself, and it's the weirdest thing, but suddenly you'll just go, oh, yeah that's the problem. And it's because you got your brain from focusing on it, and suddenly, the solution is apparent. (upbeat music)
