From the course: Lean Technology Strategy: Starting Your Business Transformation

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Running and scaling transformation initiatives

Running and scaling transformation initiatives

- One of the things we focus on a lot is strategic deployment. As a leader, how do I start to coordinate and organize the transformation initiative and all the different components involved in that? One of the methods we talk about with strategic deployment is deploying a Hoshin planning process. The idea with Hoshin is that we focus on what we're trying to do, where we're trying to address it, and how we're going to get there. The what is our expectation of what leadership will describe as the challenges that we're trying to solve. We've talked about this in the purpose or goal or mission-setting module. The next step is to define where we're going to make that intervention, and this is where understanding the end-to-end value stream becomes an imperative. Where along our system of work, our product, our process are we going to make a change to try and improve? And then finally, we use the deliberate practice of the Improvement Kata to plan and execute these different changes where…
