From the course: Bamboo Essential Training (2018)

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Parameterization and variables, part 2

Parameterization and variables, part 2 - Bamboo Tutorial

From the course: Bamboo Essential Training (2018)

Parameterization and variables, part 2

- [Instructor] Now we are in Bamboo. In order to access the variables and parameters we need to login, so obviously before you login you cannot make any changes. So we login to our Bamboo instance and from here given that you have the administrator access you can go to the administration or setting button in here and then you can click on global variables. By clicking on this you will be able to go to global variables page and define global variables and there is a bit of explanation in here. The most important thing is that as you see, and I'm highlighting it now, is that in order to access a variable you have to use dollar and then a bracket Bamboo dot then the name of the variable. That's how you access a variable. So it's dollar bracket Bamboo dot name of the variable and then you close the bracket. That's how you access it. For variable name that come from the operating systems environment variable you will access the environmental variables as dollar bracket Bamboo dot and then…
