From the course: Career Clinic: Developer Insights

Matt Boyd

(bright techno music) - So, I first started out in school as a mechanical engineer. My two degrees are in mechanical engineering. And after a brief time working in that field, I found an opportunity in the aerospace world. And I worked at an aerospace company for about seven years, where I developed two of the world's first inflatable satellites that we launched. And, since then, the company has gone on to attach an inflatable module to the International Space Station as well, so I was lucky enough to be involved with the concept design of that project. But, when I transitioned out of the aerospace company, we had about a year in there where we knew that the company was planning on downsizing. So, we knew that my department was going to be eliminated. And at that time, I made the decision to start my own consulting company. And I specifically chose IOS app development as a skill that I wanted to learn so that I could try and work remotely. That was one of my job goals. And over time, I had picked up some software development skills in different applications while I was working at the aerospace company. And so that's why I chose IOS development to begin my company. And, by the time we got laid off at the aerospace company, I had spent about a year of solid self study, just dedicating myself to learning IOS app development. And, I just hit the ground running with my new company. And I started looking for some clients, and I started working on my first professional IOS app within about a month. So I just encourage anybody who is interested in maybe branching out into a new field that you're not familiar with, that you can definitely learn how to do it if you're willing to put in the time and effort. I didn't have any direct experience in any of the programming fields that I do for a living now. I simply went and found myself a book, and I read through it and I learned how to do it. And it wasn't fast or easy, but it was possible because I was willing to spend the time and learn how to do it. And anyone can learn how to do virtually any programming field that they want to learn, if they're willing to put in the time. (bright techno music)
