From the course: Career Clinic: Developer Insights


(upbeat music) - Diversity's a really important topic in our industry, and being somebody who's Hispanic, I know that I felt sometimes that the people that are working in the industry don't necessarily look like me. And for me it's really important that I see people, maybe in higher up positions that represent the community that I come from, but at the same time, I really appreciate seeing people from other communities. - I expect to see way more kids just pick this up, especially more kids that look like me. I wanna see more girls, I wanna see more black girls doing this and not feeling like it's not a subject for them, and I'm inspired by the quote, you can't be what you don't see. And I expect to just be seen, because I think a lot of girls that look like me just don't do this 'cause they don't see more people that look like me, they don't realize they can. - The thing that gives me hope are programs that encourage kids to get into tech and are encouraging young girls and minorities to get into tech. I think that that, more than anything, is gonna change the landscape of who's employed in tech companies. I also think that there's a lot of power in companies naming the problem, and working on addressing it. And I think one of the best ways to do that is to look for a diverse candidate pool. If you're only interviewing one kind of person, you're really limiting the opportunity of who you might get. So I think seeking out more a more diverse applicant pool is a really powerful way to change that. - This country's motto is sort of the concept of having like a plural unity, having out of many, one, and I think that sometimes we miss that in the workplace. We kind of hire people who are exactly like us, and we don't have that opportunity of having the richness of different cultures. - To think that you can, in a kind of silo of single experienced people, or like experienced people, build something that is gonna be broadly usable I think is kind of foolish. And hopefully then we have fewer of these issues where a company does something boneheaded, and it gets all the way out the door in that ad or in that app, and people go, what were you thinking? - I personally believe that whenever you go beyond race, color, creed, that's when you have an opportunity to pull ideas from people's minds. We have to refrain ourselves from this entire zone of things where we would really not want to see this at all. So I wouldn't want to really differentiate between a guy and a girl in the first place, and then which country he or she belongs to, which race he or she belongs to, I think that is something that we really do not want to see. And if you really can do that, then I think we are definitely gonna have a better future, because that's where we open our mind, we talk to each other, we get to know how you can make things better for you, for the others, and make this entire world a beautiful place to live in. (upbeat music)
