From the course: Sketching an F1 Wheel with SketchBook Pro

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Shading the main body

Shading the main body

In this video, we are going to complete the main body shading, so if we have note Files 0201 F1 Body let's take a look at the layer instruction right hand side. We have our original layer hidden, we have our wire frame visible and I've added a layer on top called body. If I unhide that, this is going to be the end result of this particular video. Let's go ahead and hide that and add a layer on top of wire and let's rename that layer, body. Make sure that layer's active. Let's just zoom in a little bit. I'm going to go to the left hand side here and use the Flood Fill All Visible Layers, choose a gray and simply flood fill that area. I'm now going to go to the Pen tool, change the diameter down a fraction. Now you'll notice that with flood fill, it doesn't always reach the very edge, as you can see here. We have to manually go back in there and correct that, so with symmetry on, I can just touch up the edge like this, and it's going to correct both sides of this component at the same…
