From the course: SketchUp Weekly

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What is a tag?

What is a tag?

- [Instructor] Tags are a tool that we can use to affect the visibility of the contents of our model. This doesn't actually change the geometry in our model. It just changes whether or not we see it. The tags and the entity info windows work together, so I like to have them open next to each other. The pencil icon controls the active tag. It's best practice to leave this pencil on untagged, unless you're shuffling tags in a deliberate way, and then you can move the pencil icon back to untagged when you're finished. In this model, I'm going to add a tag for the island, so that I can toggle the visibility on and off. So I will first add a tag using the plus sign icon here, and I'm going to call it island. Enter. Now just because I've added the tag doesn't mean there's anything tagged to it. I need to do that in the entity info window. I can select the island, use the drop down menu, and move it from untagged to island. Now…
