From the course: SketchUp Weekly

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Smart selection with X-ray and back edges

Smart selection with X-ray and back edges - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Weekly

Smart selection with X-ray and back edges

- [Instructor] Making edits to your SketchUp geometry can sometimes be confusing. You can make changes from one angle that look okay, and then as you begin to move it and orbit, you can see that you're actually making a sticky mess from the other side. There are some settings that can make this easier to catch. In this example I'm trying to use my select tool to move this geometry along the green axis two feet to make room for more cabinetry here. If I turn on the X-ray mode under view, face style, X-ray, I can see that as I'm moving this right away, that the geometry behind it isn't quite doing what I'd like it to do. So I can hit Escape and reselect the correct geometry. And I can already see that this entire face back here is selected, because X-ray mode is on. Now when I go to move it two feet along the green axis I can see that everything is moving nicely and the way that I'd like it to. So I can type two feet…
