From the course: SketchUp Weekly

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Show two different options in the same space

Show two different options in the same space - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Weekly

Show two different options in the same space

- [Instructor] Using our layers window to show two or more options within the same space is really helpful in that we don't have to draw multiple models to show multiple options of something. So, we're going to use our layers window along with the entity info and our scenes window. With my select tool, if I start clicking on various different pieces of furniture, I can see that they are living on layer zero. And I can see that in my entity info window, which is great. That's where they're supposed to live. Everything starts on layer zero. In my layers window, I can see that that's actually the only layer that I have right now. But what I'd like to do is I'd like to put one option on a layer called option one, and then another option on layer option two. So I'll go ahead and add those in my layers window first. Click the plus sign and type option one. And click the plus sign again. I'll type option two. And these could…
