From the course: SketchUp Weekly

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Sampling a material from outside of SketchUp

Sampling a material from outside of SketchUp - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Weekly

Sampling a material from outside of SketchUp

- [Narrator] A great and fast way to bring in a color from outside of SketchUp is to use the color picker and click into an area outside of our view port. So to accomplish this, I need to double click into the group I would like to paint. So I'll double click into this carpet group using my select tool so that I can apply a new color to this face. Now I'll activate the paint bucket tool, and I'm going to use this eye dropper here. But I need to be able to see outside of my SketchUp view port. So I'll just simply grab my window and shrink it down a bit. I'm using a color file off to the side, but it can really be anything that you have access to. It can be something in an internet browwer. It can be something on your desktop. It's just outside of the SketchUp view port. So I'll go ahead and select my eye dropper tool and then click on the color. Now that's loaded into my paint bucket, and I can click on a face and apply it…
