From the course: SketchUp for Architecture: Details

Insulation and membrane placement - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp for Architecture: Details

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Insulation and membrane placement

- [Instructor] Chapter three of four, we're going to prepare our slab base. Okay, so this is earth. It wouldn't necessarily be as smooth as this, but we've also got this sort of, bit of batting back at this point, so we're going to fill this area with some hard core. This'll then sort of support the wall a bit more. On the outside, we'll have a similar thing, we'll sort of have a compacted grate on the outside as well, back fill. And we'll also be putting the drain in, as well, here. Okay, the perimeter perforated pipe, which is going to act as a sort of, a drain system around the building. So first of all, we're going to grab our internal gravel fill, so just click on that and just drop that in and then we'll slide it to this back corner, okay like that. So that lines everything up there, and then we get the stepping back, as we've seen on the finished article, at the front. Okay. The next thing is to blind off the top of this with some sand. Now the blinding is going to do a couple things, it's going to protect any membranes you've put on top from being punctured, especially if you pour a concrete slab on top of it. We will be putting our closed cell PIR insulation on top of the sand and then we'll be putting our membrane on top of that. Other people might want to put the membrane down first, and the insulation on top of that. But I'm just making sure I've got adequate protection for the membrane. So a bit of sand, and a bit of insulation, nothing's going to get through that. So if we come down to the S's, we are looking for sand blinding. And we'll just drop this, sort of again into this back corner. Okay so it's about two inches, 50 mil of sand blinding and that's our prepared piece for the slab. So very simple, all the bits and pieces are created, as you can see, there's nothing too exciting about any of these, just a simple shape following sort of the difference between this earth and the wall. So again, just draw that sort of shape and extrude it and then right-click after triple-clicking, turn it into a component. And similarly this, just a rectangle, extruded two inches or 50 mil, that's the sand blinding. So all these things are super easy to make so I didn't see the point of getting anyone to actually make these things. It would speed up the whole process if we could just drag this stuff in. Understanding the sequencing is all important. Okay so next up, we'll be adding the membrane and the insulation and then we can put the mesh on, to pour the slab into.
