From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Inferencing and X-ray

Inferencing and X-ray

- [Instructor] So in Ch_03_03, we're going to look at inferencing and the X-Ray option. X-ray you might already have loaded. If you hit the X key on your keyboard, then if everything sort of goes translucent, then X-Ray is already set up. If it's not, then I'll show you how to do it in a minute. But inferencing is massively powerful. I've just got some basic shapes here, in the Chapter 03_03 exercise file. Inferencing, or using other objects to infer positions from, is a very important skill to master. Put simply, if I choose this circle tool, then the circle will just map to various surfaces, even the facets around this cylinder. Okay, so that in itself is a massive, massive bonus. Other things that you can do are to move objects. So I'll select this object and I'll just click on the endpoint and I'll move it and maybe I'll track along this red axis. If I hold my finger on the shift key, that locks it on that red axis, so then my mouse is free to roam and I can snap to other points…
