From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Animating a simple shadow study

Animating a simple shadow study - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

Animating a simple shadow study

- [Man] Chapter 10_03. We're going to do a simple animated study for our last lesson. And this isn't going to give us much in the way of analytics, but it's certainly going to give us a good understanding of the transit of the sun at any specific time of the year or time of day, and then it'll certainly impress the client cuz they see moving things and people like that sort of stuff. Okay, so let's crack on with this. What we need to do is create a couple of extra scenes and then we just position this building in a static sort of location. And we then set two times. A sunrise and a sunset time and we transit between one and the other with the animation enabled. So with the scenes, we'll click plus twice to create scene 12 and scene 13. Scene 12 is going to be our sunrise. And then enter and scene 13 obviously is going to be our sunset. And enter. So I'll double click on sunrise to set the sunrise. And we can dispense with that. Then we can come and open our shadows. And I think I'll…
