From the course: Creating Optimized Web Graphics (2016)

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Understanding web graphic types

Understanding web graphic types

- [Voiceover] To begin our discussion on optimizing web graphics, I figured the best place to start would be the web graphic types that we have. Because when you go to create artwork, graphics, whatever you're gonna use for the web, one of the first things you're gonna do when you go to export or save or however you go to optimize them is figure out the main type that you're gonna use. Now by graphic type I mean what kind of image are we gonna use. Are we gonna use GIFs, PNGs, JPEGs, SVGs? There are others that are on their way but are not very well supported right now. So I'm gonna focus on these right here. I've got a little chart we can look at. You can see that we've got GIFs, we have two different versions of PNG. Actually there are more than two, but we're gonna focus on two. We have JPEG and we have SVG. Now GIF is one that's one been around forever. It was created, well feels like eons ago. The whole idea behind GIF is that we're gonna use it for something that has limited…
