From the course: Creating Optimized Web Graphics (2016)

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Options for PNG and GIF optimization

Options for PNG and GIF optimization

- [Voiceover] In this video, we're gonna look at PNG. Now this is gonna cover just a teeny bit of GIF as well, because we're gonna talk about lossless compression, but I also want to dive into PNG-8 versus PNG-24, and kinda where you draw the line with that, and a decent example for a PNG-8 and a decent example for a PNG-24. So if you wanna open up an image in your image editing application, I happen to have Photoshop here, you can use any program, I have a file open in here that is a good example of a GIF or a PNG or something like that. The reason why, it doesn't have millions of colors in it. Right now it doesn't have that much in the way of gradients in it, it actually has some sharper edges on it, it also has a drop shadow, and if you look at the checkerboard, or however you look at it in your program, if it needs to be transparent or see-through around maybe even inside somewhere, you're not gonna use JPG. JPG cannot have transparencies, so we've gotta pick another method…
