From the course: Interaction Design: Projects and Platforms

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Designing automotive transit interfaces

Designing automotive transit interfaces - Sketch Tutorial

From the course: Interaction Design: Projects and Platforms

Designing automotive transit interfaces

- [Narrator] Apps for automotive interfaces have strict guidelines to ensure driver safety is top priority. This translates to ensuring that apps do not distract the driver, and are limited in interaction behavior. Both Google and Apple have guidelines for how to design apps to meet the strict standards for driver interaction. Let's take a look at Google's systems. Google has two different auto frameworks, both only support media and messaging apps. Media refers to music, podcasts, and audiobooks, and allows users to browse and play media. Messaging apps only allow for users to reply and receive messages while they're in the car, but you can respond by voice. Both frameworks have different design guidelines to adhere to, but are optimized for eliminating distractions. Android Automotive OS is a standalone operating system that has programmed into the vehicle's dashboard device. As a result, the phone is not required. Messaging and media apps can be downloaded through Google Play Store…
