From the course: Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Swap, copy, paste, and assign voices

Swap, copy, paste, and assign voices

- [Instructor] If you have a passage of music that contains multiple voices, but perhaps you've inputted the voices in the wrong order or maybe for whatever reason, you need to swap the order of the voices, you can easily do this in Sibelius with the built-in voice swapping command. To try this, select a multi-voiced passage. I'll select one that just has two voices in it here. And then go to the Note Input tab to the Voices group and expand the drop-down menu under the word Swap. You'll see here that you have all of the options available to swap every possible combination of voices on the staff. The most common swap is voices one and two, and this actually has a shortcut assigned to it, Shift + V. And that might be a shortcut that you get to know, especially as you start inputting multiple voices because you might end up positioning voice two on top of voice one from time to time and rather than…
