From the course: Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Solution: Document setup and justification

Solution: Document setup and justification

- [Instructor] So I spent some time finishing my arrangement. 98% or more of this is Sibelius created. I just rearranged some things, cut, paste, copied, and put some things in some different places. For the most part, Sibelius should provide you with a decent layout of your score that's printable. However, it's best if you take control over the layout of your score to make it look its absolute best. Some of this will be a review for you, and some of this will be new. Now the first step in laying out the score for printing is to show your page margins. So go to the View tab, Invisibles group, and check Page Margins. And we're looking for issues like this where things are landing outside of the page margin. Next we're going to go ahead and Select All, Control or Command + A, and go to the Layout tab and make sure that we reset the space above and below our staves. Just to make sure that we have that default spacing.…
