From the course: Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: The Basics

Challenge overview

- [Instruction] This course includes a few video exercises called challenges. Challenges are activities that give you a hands-on opportunity to practice and master what you're learning. I'll start each challenge by describing your core objectives for the activity. If the challenge involves using any sample files, I'll tell you where to find them. For the challenges in this course, there will be a downloadable PDF file that contains a printed notation for you to copy into Sibelius using the techniques covered in the course. I'll give you a rough estimate of how much time it would take for me to complete the challenge, and then you can give it a try for yourself. When you've completed a challenge, make sure to click on the matching solution video. In each solution, I'll show you how I solved the challenge and I'll give you some of my thinking and insight along the way. Again, completing the challenges is a way for you to master the techniques you've been learning throughout the course, so I encourage you to give them a try.
