From the course: Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: The Basics

After the score appears

- [Narrator] There are a few steps that you may want to take immediately after you open a new score in Sibelius before you begin inputting notes and other objects. First, if there are any floating or docked panels visible on your screen that you currently don't need, or if you aren't seeing a panel that you do need, you can visit the View tab, the Panels group, and show and hide any panels you'd like, so that your score page is comfortable for you. I recommend always having the keypad panel on the screen. The next most popular question I get from new Sibelius users is about the number of bars that Sibelius provides to you when you start a new score. Sibelius gives you a few empty bars to work with, however, many people like to add more bars from the beginning to get a sense for how their score is going to lay out across several pages. Bars can be added to the end of a score by using the shortcut Command + B on Mac, or Control + B on Windows. Or, you can visit the Home tab, the Bars group, and click the Add button. Next, if you feel that you made any mistakes in your choice of instruments, or, if you would like to change the order of the instruments in your score, you can get back to the Add or Remove Instruments window by pressing the letter I on your QWERTY keyboard, or by visiting the Home tab, Instruments group, Add or Remove. I'm going to go ahead and add my clarinet back into my score. Now, if you feel like your immediate document setup is not quite right for your score, you can make adjustments to it at this time as well. My score may look better with a landscaped orientation, for example, so you can go to the Layout tab, to the Document Setup group, and you can make some changes to the document setup if you'd like to. Finally, if you checked the box to add a pickup bar when you created the score, and then decide that you don't want a pickup bar once you score is created, selecting and deleting the contents of the pickup bar will magically turn your pickup bar into a full-sized bar, equivalent to the time signature. So you can see here that I've got one quarter note's worth of a pickup bar. And if I make a blue range selection, I can press Delete. And I'll have to do that anywhere where the quarter note exists to get a bar rest. And as soon as I do that to all of the staves, it will magically turn into a 4/4 bar. Now, if I didn't want to do that, I could of course undo, Command + Z, to get my pickup bar back. Okay, it looks like our score is ready for us to start inputting objects, so let's do another save, Control or Command + S, and I'll see you in the next video.
