From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Why you should hire an editor

Why you should hire an editor

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Why you should hire an editor

- I know many of us often conceive, write, shoot and edit our own projects, and doing all three is a great and vital way to learn to understand the whole film-making process, and improve our shooting, but once your work reaches a higher budget of production level, it may make more sense to hire a specialist, the same as you did for the golden film-making trinity of lights, camera and sound. So once you've secured the services of a talented gaffer, DP and audio person, I think your next most important hire is securing a good, correction, a great editor, so this week, on Pro Video tips, I want to give you some best practices for working with professional editors. Just because we can physically do something in film-making, doesn't necessarily mean that we should do it. There is a big gap between basic proficiency, essentially, being good enough not to mess it up most times, and mastery, which is being good enough to consistently and quickly nail it, solve difficult problems, and add…
