From the course: Video Gear

When would you need ready to play time-lapse video?

From the course: Video Gear

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When would you need ready to play time-lapse video?

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. - And I'm Robert Carmen. - And this week we're talking about in-camera time lapse. I'm a huge fan of time lapse, and I love doing post-production, going in and shooting camera raw, really bringing the image to life. But that's not always possible. - Yeah, if anybody loves time lapse, it's certainly Rich. Pretty much everywhere we go, sometimes embarrassingly so, Rich is taking a time lapse of something. But we've come outside. It's a gray day, so it's not gonna be a perfect place to get sky time lapse or something like that, but we have a very busy road behind us, kind of at sunset here. So we're gonna try to get some cars going by, some light streaks, things of that nature. But as Rick pointed out, we don't actually have a turnaround time sometimes to process everything the way it maybe should be done. But in those times, a lot of times, depending on the camera that you're using, that's not a problem. You can do the time lapse processing in-camera. - Yeah, we're gonna explore a couple of different methods here doing in-camera, and with the disk recorder. Think of some of these scenarios. Maybe you're doing work for a newscast, and you need to get that time lapse on the air right away. Or sometimes what happens is, social media. I might put a time lapse together in-camera so I could post it right away and share, because I'm excited. And then when I get time, I'll go back and I'll develop the files. What's awesome, for example, both the Sony and the Panasonic here, they could shoot raw images and make a movie at the same time, so you could post that movie right away, and you could see what's going on. I'll tell you another one I like. Especially if you're not confident with your settings, you could do a quick test movie. Load up your settings, roll, watch back a little bit and go, "Yeah, that works." - Yeah, knowing that you would go to do some more refining work later on. No, that's right. And I think a lot of times that for people who are just kind of wanting to explore time lapse, but are not quite into the idea of intervalometers, and all this other kind of processing, and shooting raw, and shooting jpeg. Literally just pressing the button on the camera that says time lapse makes life simple. - All right, so we're gonna explore a couple different models. Let's get started by talking about some in-camera time lapse choices.
