From the course: Pro Video Tips

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What to look for when buying a tripod

What to look for when buying a tripod

From the course: Pro Video Tips

What to look for when buying a tripod

Shaky, jittery video is the hallmark of an amateur shooter. So, a good, steady tripod is an absolute must. It's one of the first things that I would invest in after getting a camera. And a basic shotgun mic, the very next thing would be a solid tripod. Now, photo, or cheap consumer tripods, aren't going to cut it for the type of work that we need to do. We need a tripod that smoothly pans and tilts, and has a long handle, just like these, to help us pull off those moves. So, right away you'll know if you have a video tripod, by whether or not it has one of these long handles on here, which are designed for doing smooth camera moves like this. So, key features that we're looking for in a good tripod. Biggest one for video, a fluid head. Now, a fluid head, just like the title sounds, actually has fluid in the head. But the bottom is line is that you get fluid movement from that tripod. So these do really smooth moves, much smoother than if you didn't have a fluid head tripod. Another…
