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What to do at the airport

What to do at the airport

From the course: Pro Video Tips

What to do at the airport

- One area that can quickly eat into your budget and whatever profit you planned on making off of a production is excess baggage fees. Unfortunately, every airline has different bag limit policies and fees, so try to do your homework before you commit to a ticket. What seems like a bargain airfare can quickly balloon to almost double when you add in excess baggage fees for heavy equipment. I've recently been charged as much as $160 for a single pelican case. Now this is an area where some advance knowledge can save you some big bucks. On the last trip I took with gear, a kind check-in agent informed me that by removing just seven pounds from my bag I would save $100 in baggage charges, yet another illustration why it always pays to be nice to everyone and ask questions. Ask the attendant if there's any way you could save some money on excess baggage. The same helpful baggage attendant also informed me that time that some airlines, such as Delta, have special lower media rates for film…
