From the course: Video Gear

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Using a loupe

Using a loupe

Rich: Rob, it might just be that I'm getting older, but I have a really hard time seeing focus sometimes. Particularly on these little tiny screens. Rob: No, you're absolutely right Rich and we, we, we joke to ourselves all the time that everything always looks good, on the back of a camera LCD. When you shrink something down to two or three inches, and you have 1080 or even 4K video, of course it's going to look nice and sharp and in focus. But, often as we know when you get back to the studio and you start looking at your footage, its one of those head smacking moments going awww its out of focus. Rich: Maybe the sharp mask filter will help not really. Rob: Absolutely not, it happens all the time and there are lots of ways to handle sharp focus from you know, from follow focuses to external monitors. But certainly one of the cheapest and most effective ways of doing that, is with what is called a loupe. Rich: Yeah, it just looks like this and usually you end up attaching it to the…
