From the course: Video Gear

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Using the Session in the GoPro ecosystem

Using the Session in the GoPro ecosystem

From the course: Video Gear

Using the Session in the GoPro ecosystem

- If you've been a GoPro owner for a while, you've probably ended up with a big bag of accessories. Yeah, I've got a lot. - Yeah, you-- - Although, you've got a few too, I mean, you've got the dog camera mount, don't you? - That's true, but if you open up Rich's backpack, you'll see, I don't know, 47,000 little adhesive mounts, and that kind of stuff. But GoPro is smart, obviously, they're not going to reinvent the wheel with a new camera and a new formfactor, and go, hey, all of that old stuff that you had, that you've invested in, no longer works. They've got a really good ecosystem going on with kind of universal mount points for all of their cameras, so it doesn't matter if you have a Silver, or a Black, the things that you have, the knuckles, the different mounts, will continue to work with the new Session. - Yeah, so here I've taken your standard GoPro tripod mount, and you know, we're using the older mount, the one that has the extruded nut, and I'll just take that one out…
