From the course: Video Gear

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Using a FlexiFill

Using a FlexiFill

- So Rich the Extra Op system, pretty cool very flexible. I like sort of the modular approach to it. It works just like a tripod. - Yep. - But there are other systems. And we've got another one here, right? - Yeah, well we've got a FlexiFill type system and this is really just sort of a category of backdrops - Okay. - I love seeing you open these things. - Oh dude, I'm so bad at it. Yeah, I'm not even going to try because I'm going to get hit in the face. - So the FlexiFills basically are spring loaded and this particular one is pretty big. Whoa, there we go. Cool, nice big backdrop. This one is green and blue. And it could basically be used vertically or horizontally. It's big enough that if you want to get a full body shot you could do that or two people sort of side by side. We've got both colors. Now I'm going to put a bar up and then we'll attach that. - Okay. - Just using a simple two stands here and a backdrop bar drop that on. There we go. Why don't you walk that back. - Okay.…
