From the course: Video Gear

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Is the Olympus OM-D E-M1 right for me?

Is the Olympus OM-D E-M1 right for me?

From the course: Video Gear

Is the Olympus OM-D E-M1 right for me?

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. - And I'm Robbie Carman. - [Rich] And welcome to this week's episode of Video Gear Weekly. We're talking about a camera that I use a lot, and is rising in popularity. It's the E-M1 from Olympus. It's sort of their second generation true pro body. - [Robbie] Yeah, and it's a camera that I think a lot of people are looking at when they're looking at other similarly sized, mirrorless type cameras. Other cameras considered in this class would be things like the Sony a7R, now the new a7S, which is a 4K camera. People also look at some of the offerings from Fuji as well. The nice thing about this camera again: mirrorless camera, Micro Four-Thirds, and the Olympus body here is pretty nice and solid and pretty beefy, and I know that Rich, you love, love love love this camera. - [Rich] Oh yeah, I use this all the time. It's my primary stills camera but I've gotten fantastic video. I'm always shocked the video I got it. There's some stuff we've done. I took this…
