From the course: Video Gear

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Mounting and balancing the camera

Mounting and balancing the camera

From the course: Video Gear

Mounting and balancing the camera

>> Now Rich, it's great that we got the slider attached, but you know, I'm a sort of stickler for the details. >> Yeah. >> And it really bothers me when I see these beautiful sliding shots, and they're clearly not level, you know, the horizon line's off, and all sorts of stuff. When, sort of, balancing this out and getting it set up, it's just a few easy steps. >> Yeah, and you can try this. The thing to realize is that when the camera's over here- >> Yeah. >> Versus over here, It may not be the same sort of level- >> Right. And there's no perfect, but I tend to put the camera in the center and then adjust, and I like to work my way from the bottom up. >> Yeah. >> So I can see right now the ball head's a little bit off. It looks to me if we just raise that front leg just a little, the bubble level on the tripod says level. >> Mm-hm. >> And the bubble level on the tripod head says level. >> Yeah, that's good. >> That's a good start. >> Yeah. >> Now this one has two more levels…
