From the course: Video Gear

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Mounting a GoPro to a micro tripod

Mounting a GoPro to a micro tripod

From the course: Video Gear

Mounting a GoPro to a micro tripod

So, Rich, it seems like GoPros have just kind of become ubiquitous with video productions. Everybody uses them. They're cheap. They're relatively high quality. They shroot 2, you know, 2K, 4K. >> Yeah. >> And you can put them just about anywhere. >> Yeah, I take these. All I get is the one with the thread mount. And remember, you can take the mount that you have there >> Mm-hm. >> Which is sort of the, the shoe mount with a thread. >> Yep. >> Or there's now another thread mount with the clip fits in. >> Yep. And it's not that these are just tripods. You could take these and wrap them around things. Put it around a tree branch. Yeah, Robbie's arm, look it's the arm cam. >> Right the arm cam, right, like the, that works pretty well. >> Yeah, and the thing is, is that these are incredibly versatile. In fact, I usually travel with one of these, a beefier version- >> Yeah. >> And I take it on the road with my GoPro, and I, I probably shouldn't admit this, but I often hang the GoPro out my…
