From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Learn to speak their language

Learn to speak their language

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Learn to speak their language

- Tip number seven, learn to speak their language. Although your main focus as a director will be on the talent, performances, and content, it's still important to learn and understand the basic terminology and procedures of everyone else's job on your set. You can't lead a team if you don't really know what it is that that team does. In order to answer pressing questions, schedule your shoot, or make practical budgetary decisions, you need to be versed in the language and core needs of your crew. When you can understand their job and speak their language, you can more effectively plan field questions and communicate your vision quickly and clearly to the people that will help you realize it. Imagine how you feel when you realize that some manager or boss making important decisions really doesn't understand some basic, but important element of what it is you need to do. Why is he asking me to do the TP report when accounting hasn't even put out the quarterly P and E's yet? Well…
