From the course: Video Gear

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Introduction to the Panasonic GH4

Introduction to the Panasonic GH4

From the course: Video Gear

Introduction to the Panasonic GH4

Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. >> And I'm Robbie Carmen. >> And welcome to this week of Video View Weekly. Rob, we got a camera that a lot of people are trying to get their hands on. >> Man, this camera has, you know, before it was released, the buzz about it was intense and immense. So everybody was talking about it. And then since it's been released. Yeah, it's been getting awesome reviews. I've actually worked on a couple of projects that have shot with it. The past week or two, I've got my hands on it, I really gotten to know the camera. And I gotta say, this is one awesome camera system and I say that about a lot of camera systems but- >> Yeah. >> This is one of my favorites out there these days. And this week, we're going to kind of break down, as we usually do, things we like about the camera, things we don't like about the camera. We'll take a look at some footage, we'll take a look at some of the menus. But overall Rich, this is kind of a unique camera because unlike a lot of…
