From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Hiding mics in sheer tops

Hiding mics in sheer tops

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Hiding mics in sheer tops

Now, the final technique I want to show you, is how to hide a live mic on any body. Particularly, we're talking about females that are wearing a really tight top or a shear dress. This is particularly tricky because, remember, the main thing we're trying to do, is keep this microphone concealed and not get any clothing noise. So, if somebody's wearing a low cut top like this, say, that's what a character calls for. There's not too many places I can get this microphone, and not worry about clothing noise or not have it be seen by the audience. So fortunately, on all females we have a natural valley, so that is the best place to hide the microphone simply because, we're not going to get any clothing noise. So, even though this is a sheer top, it's actually easier to get away with hiding a microphone on this type of outfit on a female, than it would be on a male, simply because if a male has on a tight shirt I don't have very many options to get this in. Fortunately on my mannequin…
