From the course: Video Gear

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Hacking a camera with Magic Lantern

Hacking a camera with Magic Lantern

From the course: Video Gear

Hacking a camera with Magic Lantern

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. - And I'm Robbie Carman. - And welcome to this week's episode of Video Gear Weekly. Rob, we're talking about, this week, something that a lot of people ask me all the time, which is, "What about Magic Lantern?" Which, sounds kind of cool but, what is Magic Lantern? - Well, if you've been around Canon DSLRs for, any period of time, you've probably heard the phrase "Magic Lantern." And what Magic Lantern is, is it's essentially a hack for your camera. Now that sounds a little scary Rich, hacking your camera. But the point is, is that, you know a big company like Canon has to sort of, appease the wide swath of customers that they have, so they can't put in every single little feature that an independent film maker wants, or a DP wants, so a couple years ago, the guys as Magic Lantern which, they're essentially a very talented programming team, said, "Hey look, we might be able to "write firmware to the camera "that enables some extra features." Because…
