From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Final tips on working with editors

Final tips on working with editors

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Final tips on working with editors

- Not unlike hiring a DP, someone that has or is in the process of mastering editing knows much more than just what buttons to press, but also has the experience and knowledge to quickly recognize and resolve common editing and storytelling problems. The best editors will not only help you solve your problems, but their informed choices can also add new layers of meaning, tension, humor, and drama, otherwise known as the all-important story. Not only can a dedicated editor usually do these things better than you, but you'll also probably discover that they can do them faster than you as well. And even in those cases where a director actually is an experienced editor, if it's a feature film or any other personal or big project that they've invested a lot of time and energy in, more often than not, that director is simply too close to the material, too married to their script, or just too emotionally invested and exhausted after production to clearly see the full potential of the final…
