From the course: Video Gear

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Expanding your makeup kit

Expanding your makeup kit

From the course: Video Gear

Expanding your makeup kit

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. Welcome to this episode of Video Gear Weekly. And we're expanding our look at makeup essentials, things that you're gonna want to have in your kit. Now joining me this week is Kim Foley. If you've watched the show before, you might've caught Kim earlier when we talked about shine which is a problem that effects just about everybody. And I asked Kim back so we can talk about a few more things you might wanna toss into your emergency styling and makeup kit. Kim, we got a lot of cool things to look at here today, but what sort of things happen on set? Why do these on-camera emergencies pop up? - They pop up all the time. There's so many ways that a stylist can be helpful to you. But if you don't have one, you really need to have your little emergency kit to help you out just in case. - Things like, it could be a humid day, and all of a sudden some stray hairs start popping up or a tear in the clothing, a little bit of a stain. I'm just gonna put this one…
