From the course: Video Gear

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Evaluating the footage

Evaluating the footage

From the course: Video Gear

Evaluating the footage

- You've been seeing some of the footage all along, as we've been talking about some of the options for flying a camera but let's take a look at a few shots specifically and see how the gear did. - [Rob] Yeah, so here we have a scene that looks like a basketball court except this is a crazy cool basketball court because it's a trampoline basketball court. - [Rich] Yes. - [Rob] And the baskets were actually, what, maybe 12, 15, you know, 16 feet high? So they're really high. - [Rich] Yeah. - [Rob] And so shooting up at them, shooting, you know, kind of from ground level really wasn't going to give us that perspective and so you can see here we have a shot of the basketball hoop itself and you can see one of our guys jumping here and it gives you kind of an up high, sort of level perspective of the basketball hoop. - [Rich] Yeah, and we were also able to sort of chase the action, following them as they went down and then rose back up, but this is one key piece of advice that I will say…
