From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Considerations for a video portrait interview

Considerations for a video portrait interview

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Considerations for a video portrait interview

- Now the interview for this project was a pretty simple setup. We left the lighting more or less where we had it. We cheated the light a few times to kind of change the direction of our sun to work with the particular shot we were on, but for the interview we pretty much left it where we had it for probably 70 - 80 percent of the shoot, which is motivated from the door that's coming off right to my right-hand side here. All I wanted to go for was, again, that classic, edgy sports look where one side of the person's face is a little darker. What we did here that was a little bit different that Blanca wanted to do was to wear her normal dress clothes, because the whole hook to this whole piece is that hey, this isn't a professional boxer, this is really a mother of four kids who has a husband and her own business and is very busy, so we thought that that stark contrast to all the other footage we saw cutting back to her sitting there in a business attire would make a nice contrast and…
