From the course: Video Gear

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Charging on the go

Charging on the go

All right, Rob. One of the things I've always drilled into the head of folks that work in my production crews, >> Mm-hm. >> Is without power, you're dead. >> Yeah, I mean, it's an, it's an essential thing. You have to be able to power, you know, the cameras, accessories, and all the other sort of little things that pop up that need batteries. And I've gotten on site thinking, oh, surely, there'll be an outlet we could plug in to. No. >> Yeah, that's that's that's like site surveying 101, Rich. Where are the outlets? Do we have any outlets? And, you're right. In a lot- >> And there might be outlets. And you blow the fuse and you realize you can't reset it or something goes wrong. >> Absolutely. And having multiple power options. Whether it's powering from the wall or that is powering from the battery or even plugging in to your car to get juice out of that. You want to have options when it comes to power. >> So, on this weeks episode we are going to explore several different strategies…
