From the course: Video Gear

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Challenges of using fast primes

Challenges of using fast primes

From the course: Video Gear

Challenges of using fast primes

- So, Rick, as we have gush about how much we like fast prime lenses, I've got to tell you they're a little challenging sometimes working with. - [Rick] Yeah. - [Rob] I think that-- - [Rick] You're not going to be shooting commando style with these. - I think that one of the things about this is when you are shooting with a fast prime lens it is a skill to get great quality shots with them both for photos as well as video. - One of the things you are going to need to decide is what style of prime lens are you getting. For example, this Lumix one is great but there are no actual focus marks on it. This is really a fast prime lens designed for still shooting. It is less expensive. It does have a nice focus range, you know, but it's the type of focus range that spins forever. - Yeah. - So you can't put any marks on this to gauge. You can't see the focuses. Now, twirl that one around and you'll see that there are actually marks here so you could be repeatable as you're turning. You've got…
