From the course: Video Gear

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Capturing time-lapse video in camera

Capturing time-lapse video in camera

From the course: Video Gear

Capturing time-lapse video in camera

- Leave it to different manufacturers to have different solutions. We've got a wide range here. I think folks really associate the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera as a video camera. This is probably the smallest, most affordable solution to get ProRes recording, although they have come out with some other ones that now do 4K, or slightly different form factor, but they're pretty cool, right? - [Rob] That's right. The Blackmagic Pocket Camera here is sort of a super 16 size sensor, and it gets really high quality images and the ability to shoot raw DNG sequences or shoot ProRes or DNxHD, for that matter. Really works well. And in the recording menu for this camera you can easily set up a time lapse interval. So going from a few frames to minutes at a time. - Yeah, a lot of times if you're doing a time lapse, and we'll actually try this one on the street, usually if you're using a bulit-in intervalometer, you're limited to one shot a second. This one allows you to take one as fast as…
