From the course: Video Gear

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Adjusting the Speed of Movement

Adjusting the Speed of Movement

From the course: Video Gear

Adjusting the Speed of Movement

- Ok Rich, so we got the one man crew set up on our tripod. And we've used the lasers to sort of optimize sort of, the arc of the parabolic slider. Next thing we need to do is actually turn it on, but when we turn it on we also need to calibrate its motion. - Yeah, now why don't you start off by getting the shot framed up. - Sure, easy enough. - And you want to do this before you actually start to move things. Because if the camera is moving side to side and you start cranking on this, you're gonna apply pressure to the motor and that could damage it. Rob's just using this and it basically has a tilt head and he's adjusting the shot. I recommend considering a zoom lens here. So you can really quickly compose the shot because you don't really have the flexibility to move this in and out. - You bring up a really good point. This is motorized and would just be like you kind of put force on the motor in your car by putting your hands inside the engine. That's probably a bad idea. -…
