From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Adding production value with local resources

Adding production value with local resources

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Adding production value with local resources

- Now this isn't exactly a stealth tip, but it's a very valuable one that I think fits in the same category. The greatest asset any down-and-dirty filmmaker has is imagination. Where others see a Ferris wheel, we see a crane shot. Where others see a guy behind the wheel of a taxi, we see a location scout and production vehicle for B-roll. Anything that rolls, moves, lifts, flies, or has a great view that you can somehow get onto with a camera, could serve to add some free or inexpensive production value to your shoot. For the price of admission, and perhaps a generous tip for a cooperative driver or operator, you can shoot compelling footage, narration, and even interviews from double-decker sightseeing buses, cabs, tourist boat rides, Ferris wheels, rickshaw rides, observation decks, raised subway lines, horse-drawn carriages, helicopter tours, cable cars, public balconies, or even glass elevators. With a little bit of imagination and creativity, the cranes, dollies, and jibs you…
